Supervek Merchandize is Made using Tyvek®, which is a highly recyclable material. We encourage our users to recycle their Supervek Gear either by sending it to a recycling unit themselves, or shipping it to us at the following address:
Supervek International
Attn: Recycling
154 E Hamlin Street, #2
West Salem - 54669,
Please note that not all recycling units can recycle Tyvek® - if you are unable to locate a unit that can, please send your Supervek Merchandise to us and we will do it for you.
Tyvek® is made from 100% HDPE and can be mechanically recycled into products such as underground cable protection piping, automotive parts, blown film, packaging cores and trays. Polyethylene can normally be recycled 4 to 5 times before physical properties are substantially affected.
Did you know? Tyvek® is manufactured with 25% post-consumer recycled content, which has kept more than 460 million milk and water jugs out of landfills till date and counting.
Supervek Recycle Rewards Program:
We are glad you chose to recycle your Supervek Gear! To be a part of this program and to avail the 25% discount on your next purchase, we request you to fill the following form and we will reach out to you with your code.